Beautiful Sunset

 God gave me this sunset last night as I was driving home from 2 hours of the weekly "same 'ole, same 'ole" of banking, shopping and such.  Sometimes I get so bogged down in the day to day that I forget to be thankful for my life.  I have soooo much, but complain sooo often.  Am I the only one with this problem?  Always wishing for the now to be gone then when it is, wishing it back?  What a foolish person I am.  I have been consciously working on being content in the now.  I will never have this moment ever again.  What am I going to do with it?  

Maybe this song will help me remember what I am to do with each moment I am blessed with 


  1. sometimes all the grumbling around us causes someone to their knees. If you read Numbers 11, you might find as I did that it wasnt neccessarily about the children of Israel not being greatful for what they already recieved as it was about getting God faithful servant to his knees in realization the "the burdon was just too much for him to carry alone".

  2. That is a beautiful sunset! I stopped by from This for That and entered your giveaway. I would love it if you could help me out, too! If you can, go here Visit the sponsor's website and a comment on my post would be great! Thanks so much!

  3. I saw where you were following a blog that I follow that is having a give away on some school books with CDs. They are great-I just wanted to tell you that if you have a Mardels near you that ours is selling them for $5.00 each and they are really good. I bought the one on the States and Capitals today and really like it. We are doing that this year with HS my daughter. I think it will be fun.
    I joined on to follow your blog too and look forward to reading more.

  4. sometimes all the grumbling around us causes someone to their knees. If you read Numbers 11, you might find as I did that it wasnt neccessarily about the children of Israel not being greatful for what they already recieved as it was about getting God faithful servant to his knees in realization the "the burdon was just too much for him to carry alone".


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