Once a month cooking....sort of :)

Many years ago when all 5 children were still at home, I was so much more organized with chores and meals than I am now with only 2 children still here.  For our weekly meals I would get the sales flyer, plan my meals for the week then shop accordingly.  Now, well, let's just say that when 5:00 pm rolls around I start asking myself that wonderful question....What IS for dinner?  OR I hear "what's for dinner, mom?"  Sometimes the answer is: "Whatever you can find!" 

A few times over the years I've looked into once a month cooking....ya know, when you cook for a whole day to fill your freezer with 30 delicious meals so you don't have to cook every day.....


whenever I have checked into doing it, I don't, because it really sounds like a lot of work! 

I've bought the books, looked them over and planned what I was going to do---I've yet to carry it out.  It just seems a bit overwhelming to me.  I love to plan, but the doing is just too much work!  Maybe someone could take my plan and make it a reality?  Someone who doesn't like the planning but the doing?  Any takers????

So you don't think I am a TOTAL loser I have done a variation of once a month cooking by 
cooking double or triple of whatever I was making for dinner and then freezing the extra.  Like this week I made 6 meat pies, we ate one, I saved some of the filling out for stuffing the turkey on Saturday (a family tradition stuffing in my husband's family) and froze 4 pies.  Last week I did 4 chicken pot pies and snickerdoodle & chocolate chip cookie dough.    

Okay, so there is a start.  I have some stuff ready in my freezer....now I just have to remember to take it out in the morning to thaw :)  


  1. That is hilarious! Sound soooo much like your mother. Of course, I HATE cooking, so any effort is an EFFORT. These days it's "what do you feel like eating?"...because the man seldom is hungry and is so fussy that I just wait for his answer. Some times it's "I don't care"..then I can throw together something I like! I used to plan, etc. when we were on a stricter budget with 4 kids to feed...still hated it.

  2. Your post makes me smile. I can so relate! Have a beautiful Christmas my new blog friend! BIG hugs to ya.

  3. Hi, Thanks for the follow and I loved your post today! I know what you mean about cooking..I raised six kids, all on their own now, and I was so diligent about making lists, having the weeks' meals planned and watched the store flyers to see what was on sale. Now that there are only two of us..I never have a meal planned unless I am in the mood to try something new!


  4. I agree with you on this one, I can plan to beat the band, but the actual cooking part is a mystery to me..... I just can't imagine cooking for a WHOLE day! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Thanks for following Classifiedmom.com! I hope you have a great New Year! Following you back! I look forward to reading more of your blog posts ;-) ~Aimee
    P.S. Sorry nobody followed the rules with your feature- we could do a hop together one day if you would like?

  6. My friend does this. I tried a week's worth once but forgot about most of it for too long. Maybe for the New Year. Following from Friday Follow. Stop by http://www.kidscreativechaos.com

  7. Your post makes me smile. I can so relate! Have a beautiful Christmas my new blog friend! BIG hugs to ya.

  8. I think it would be the remembering to get it out in the morning that would slow me up. I think alomost every night moments before I start cooking I am agressively trying to thaw frozen meat...This sounds fun but I think maybe one big weekly cook might be more manageable.


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