Week At a Glance 15

It has been several weeks since I posted "My Week At a Glance"....A LOT has happened.  I've been extremely busy, thus my lack of posting.  I had my one year Blogoversary you can read about here.  This began an 8 day game review/giveaway that took much more time then I would have guessed. BUT it offers 8 game giveaways that you can win....check them all out here or on the right sidebar ;) 

I also spent 5 days away.  During that time my oldest daughter, Sampy-June, graduated from cosmetology school.  

I don't have words to express what I felt, so I'll just share some pics!

Reading poster made by other students

Listening to a friend praise her ;)

Highest Award

High Honor Award and Diploma

Sampy-June giving her speech.

No, there's NOT 2 of her.  I was sitting near a mirror and thought this was a cool pi

The boyfriend ;)

Proud Mama with the Graduate

One of a kind gift for my one of a kind girl

More on this gift next month when I offer a giveaway from this talented artist!

Hopefully now that life is returning to some semblance of 'normal', I will be able to get back on track with this blog.  

What's new with you?
