Let's talk Math!
Some kids have a mind for math, others, not so much! When you have a child who doesn't really 'get' math, it makes it very hard to find a curriculum that really works.
As with most homeschoolers, I started with Saxon. It was THE math program when homeschooling was new to me. I liked the spiral method and used this curriculum for many years. Then I hit algebra! UGH!! When I was in high school I did very well with Algebra 1, but Algebra 2, not so much. I attribute the understanding of Algebra with the teacher. I had a fantastic Algebra 1 teacher but the Algebra 2 teacher understood it well enough, but couldn't TEACH it. I fell under the category of 'couldn't TEACH' it. SO when it came time for Algebra we used Key To. This has worked very well for us. It introduces algebraic concepts without delving into it too far.
I didn't have math lovers..I knew not one of my children was going to need further math so I concerned myself more with everyday math: checkbooks, budgeting, insurance, saving, even some accounting. The REAL LIFE stuff!
My husband and I took a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class online. We followed Dave's game plan and were able to become debt free. It took a lot of sacrifices, but we did it! We decided that our children HAD to learn to manage their money the Dave Ramsey way.
When he came out with a high school math course, I was thrilled and immediately bought it!
This is what is our high school math curriculum...it is a MUST in our home school.
Here are other blogs with ideas for math:
Math Lapbooks---Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 2 by Angie Wright @ Petra
School - http://pebblekeeper.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/math-lapbooksvirtual-curriculum-fair-week-2/Virtual Curriculum Fair Week Two: Discover Patterns, Mathematics,
Logic and Some Science by Leah @ The Courtney Six Homeschool
Our Choices For Math by Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool
A Magnificent Math Manipulative by Letha Paulk @ justpitchingmytent
Our Math Choices - Virtual Curriculum Fair by Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool
Math Using Hamburger Paper by Debbie @ Debbie's Digest
Math Literature?!?! by Christine @ Crunchy Country Catholic
Learning Math at My House by Jessica @ Modest Mama
1st, 2nd, 6th Grade Math in Our Homeschool: How We Got HERE by Susan
@ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Math Facts or Fun? Why Not Both! by Beth @ Ozark Ramblings
Heart of Dakota- The Fine Details- Part 2 Science by Lynn @ Ladybug
Chronicles http://ladybug-chronicles.blogspot.com/2012/01/heart-of-dakota-fine-details-part-2.html
Learning Math Block by Block by Laura O in AK @ Day by Day in Our
World http://daybydayinourworld.com/2012/01/learning-math-block-by-block/
Plugging Along with Math by Cindy Horton @ Fenced in Family
What's Working and What's Not: Math Edition by Leann @ Montessori Tidbits
Math Anyone? by Cindy @ For One Another
Ahh, Math. by Nicole @ Schooling in the Sun
Flying Without a Parachute: Math with no Curriculum by Pam @ Everyday
Snapshots http://everydaysnapshots.blogspot.com/2012/01/flying-without-parachute-math-with-no.html
Math in Our Homeschool by Christine T @ Our Homeschool Reviews
Math, Math, and More Math by Dawn @ tractors & tire swings
Thinking Mathematically- How I Choose Math Curriculum by Kristen @
Sunrise to Sunset
Discovering Patterns: Math, Logic, and Some Science by Christa Darr @
Fairfield Corner Academy
The Science of Math by Brenda Emmett @ Garden of Learning
"Mom, did we do math today?" by Chrissy at Learning is an Adventure
Math, Math, and More Math by Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory

And there you have the reason my girls went to public high school. I couldn't do the math! LOL Seriously, I couldn't so it was just as well they did go to public high school.
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There are soo many choices today...even DVD's so no teaching involved!