I have been physically exercising almost every day for almost a month now, yet I have neglected my spiritual exercise. Today that is changing!
Last fall I attended a ladies conference at Word Of Life in Schroon Lake, NY. Elyse Fitzpatrick was the guest speaker. Her theme was the above book.
It took 2 of the seminars for me to finally 'get' was she was trying to say. At first I was appalled at her message, but after I took some time to pray and ask for some discernment, I was truly blessed. Having to rethink some things is not easy, yet very rewarding!
I bought the DVD set, book and workbook to take home to share with the ladies at my church. That has not occurred as yet. Today I decided to pull it out and go through it myself.
The first part is "Have you Forgotten?"
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith . . .For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.
2 Peter 1:5, 10
When you read the above verses, what do you focus on? What you NEED to do OR what Christ has already done for you?
- Why does the incarnation, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection and ascension (the gospel) matter to you today?
Elyse reminds us that we are so thrilled with what Christ has done for us when we begin our Christian walk, but then it morphs into something about us.
We forget our Savior!
Can you relate? I know I can.
Where is your attention primarily focused? In other words, what do you think about most?
- your desires?
- your sins?
- or your Savior?
Consider this thought provoking question:
In your pursuit of godliness have you left Jesus behind?

great post