Vegetarian wanna-be
I think I would have liked living in the Garden of Eden. Not only because it was perfect there and Adam & Eve actually walked and talked with God, but also because they didn't eat meat. I've never really been a big fan of meat, and that's not because I am an animal lover or anything. I just don't like it much.
I've attempted a few times to convert over to being a vegetarian, but it doesn't last long as my family complains VERY loudly if there is not meat or if I substitute the meat for beans.
As a compromise, we have a vegetarian meal a couple of times a week. It has obviously become a habit as my hubby said to me today, "Meat again, didn't we just have that last night?"
Maybe, just maybe I'll win him over.........
I don't think you should convert into a vegetarian, but you could cook something for your husband as his main dish and us the rest as a side for the rest of the family. Just my thoughts..
A to Z co-host