iPad 2
My mom sent me some $$$ that my dad wanted me to have after he passed. My desire was to spend it on myself, something special. So when I didn't win this contest for an iPad, I began researching about the iPad a bit more. This only intensified my want.
Spending almost $500 on a toy isn't easy for me. I am thrifty! I don't spend $$$ just because. And especially on myself for something frivolous. BUT I did have this 'extra' money, and I did want to spend it on something just for me.....so....
After the All new iPad came out, the iPad 2 reduced in price by $100.00. This made my purchase a little easier :)
Admittedly, I've had buyer's remorse a couple of times. $500 is a ton of money for anything, never mind a toy. BUT again, I remind myself that I view this as a last gift from my dad and that makes me feel a bit better.
Now I just have to get it out of my 14 year old daughter's hand so I can use it ;)
Aw, don't you just love how kids know how to help us out? A bad thing about technology is that it's outdated in a matter of months and there's really no way to update our current but to get a new one. Imagine the landfills? *shiver* I think there should be ways for us to keep up with the trash, too!
A to Z co-host
hahaha...yea, they know how to DO it but not teach me how :)