November 25 - December 1
This week absolutely flew by. I'm sitting here trying to remember what I did this week that is worth telling you about. I came up with a couple of things.
I am learning about essential oils. Many years ago I entered the all natural world of health. This journey began with a 'strange' illness my husband had that put in bed for 9 months. We went from dr. to dr. with no answers. Finally we saw an herbalist and she suggested many different herbs, vitamins and diet. After a couple of weeks of following her advice, my husband began to feel better. This opened up a whole new world to us and I jumped right in.
Through the years I would use herbs & vitamins with my family instead of running to the
dr. every time there was a sniffle, fever or sore throat. My children rarely visited the dr.'s office. In fact, my youngest, who is soon to be 15, says she doesn't ever remember a time she did. I think the rest would say the same.
So I have my arsenal of herbs & vitamins in my cabinet that I pull out every time there is a need. But they have not been used as often in the past few years. Not necessarily because they weren't needed, I'm not sure why actually.
I have my daily routine of supplements I take. I start with a tsp of Barley Max with a drop of vitamin D(4000 iu) in a glass of water. With this I take cod liver oil, 2000 mg vitamin C, probiotic, iodine and b12. This is every morning. I have been doing this for years. I rarely get what everyone else gets....ok, let me rephrase that, I rarely get what everyone else gets as badly as they do. I may have a tickle in my throat, or feel queasy, but I don't get the full blown sickness.
Anyway this is getting long so I'll get to what I want to tell you about. I was introduced to doTerra Essential Oils. I have fallen with love with essential oils! They are 50 - 70% more potent than herbs. WOW! So far I have used them for headaches, stomach aches, migraines, cold/flu, and a daily cleansing drink. Each trial has been successful. These are amazing! If you want more info about them, contact me at the link on the right sidebar.
My other major project this week was editing a magazine. I have been working with Eternal Encouragement magazine for several months. They have launched a new digital magazine which is FREE. You can read about it here. On that page click this:
It's a great magazine that encourages women in all the roles they fill on a day-to-day basis. It is worth the read.
This author has also put together a great set of cookbooks for holiday giving.
A value of $52.97 for only $19.97! A great deal! To order click the above image!
Until next week!

Nice that you are enjoying the essential oils, Cindy! I found them a few years ago and use them for various things. Had a few drops peppermint in my herbal tea to clear the stuffy nose I woke up with. All better now! There is so much to learn about good health....a little at a time for me!