iChoose2 Love My Life Weeks 4 & 5

Weeks #4 & 5
January 27 - February 9

Week 4:  iChoose2 Manage My Time
Last week was  not the best of weeks for me...I was in a funk of some kind, so I didn't do much of anything.  Now I am getting back to my 'normal' routine.  I had to laugh when I read the title of the chapter for last week.  I did NOT manage my time very well at all.  In fact, I did  not manage much of anything very well.

In this chapter I was encouraged to have a STOP time each day.  Schedule in the time of day when all work will cease and rest will begin.  In order to schedule that, I would need a schedule.  I used to do very well with scheduling, but as my family has gotten smaller I don't see the need for it as  much.  Having said that, if I did have a schedule I know I would accomplish much more than I do now.

Week 5:  iChoose2 Stop Procrastinating
I would not call myself a procrastinator unless of course the task is something I really, really don't want to do...then I will put it off until it absolutely HAS to be done.  One of those things this time of year is TAXES.  Every year I put it off, and put it off and put it off some  more.  What I have found works the best for  me is to  make my appointment with the tax-preparer.  Now I have a deadline to meet and I know it will get done!

Some suggestions in the book for anyone who struggles with procrastination:
  • Every day pick 2 projects that you want to see completed and work on those first
  • Break down big projects into smaller ones, prioritize and begin on it
  • Take 1 hour a day without interruption, ie: Facebook, phone, email etc, to work on your to-do list
  • And the one I do every year for taxes...have a deadline
These two topics go well together.  If we manage our time then we will most like stop procrastinating!


  1. Chapter 4 was a no-brainer for me simply because I have worked very hard at time management as far as how my household is "run"...cleaning, appointments, simplifying, etc.
    Chapter 5 on the other hand...I am sure I am a procrastinator but I will research it tomorrow.
    {Yeah...I have issues 0_0!}


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