For school next year we will be doing our required high school government study. I have purchased a curriculum to teach about how our government is set up, how it runs, and the various aspects of it's structure. When I was given the opportunity from MediaGuests to review this book, "What Would the Founding Fathers Think?" I immediately said yes thinking it would be a great addition to our government study.
The author, David Bowman, uses wit and humor to talk about some of the issues we are facing today and will be facing in the future if America continues down the path it is currently on. The illustrations are fun, humorous, and over-the-top enjoyable.
I am sorry to admit that I am basically an ostrich(burying my head in the sand) when it comes to government, politics, world events, etc. I know that I am part of the reason our country is where it is today....ignoring the problem certainly doesn't make it go away, in fact, it most likely makes it worse.
Maybe having our teens read this book will help them not to become an 'ostrich' but help them realize they need to ACT to bring our country back to where our founding fathers dreamed it would be! Hey, even adults can be motivated to action too!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.

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