I wrote this on September 8, 2011 after leaving my ailing dad in the hospital with a broken hip.
it racks the warrior's body,
weakening him.
BUT he fights back,
with a vengeance because the warrior has seen what illness does,
many times before.
Each battle wears down the warrior, day in and out.
The bystanders watch, cheering for the warrior.
Praying for the demise of illness.
The battles come and go, some fought longer than others...
The bystanders can see the weariness in the warrior's face.
One bystander decides to take the pen to change the story....
She knows a better way....an easier way
But the pen doesn't write for her.
She doesn't give up and continues to try again and again.
With no success, she helplessly gives the pen back to the Master Writer,
begging for Him to have mercy.
His hand forms the word:
The warrior screams in pain as he falls to the ground...
the bystanders gasp
Frantically, she reaches for the pen but
the Master Writer shakes His head
She bows her head knowing He will only write what is perfect,
what is right
what is right
And she waits........
But she knows the truth
it is always the same
The warrior has fought his last battle
The final hours may be long and last for a while....
But the time will come
The warrior reaches for the Master Writer's stretched out hand
His battles and pain are over
But for her, the pain continues..
only for a little while
Until the Master Writer
pens her last line
And she joins the warrior
and the Master Writer
pens her last line
And she joins the warrior
and the Master Writer
*dedicated to the warrior in my life a man I call Dad
"here, there, or in the air.....Love you, Dad!"
Then 6 weeks later, this blog post
3 years have passed and I still struggle in some areas of my life that make me think of my dad.
I cry less, accept more...but I've still got a ways to go before I can smile every time I think of him.
But I expect that will come....in time.

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