Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun

This week’s statements:
1. If you would have ever told me years ago that I now would _____ I would never have believed you
2. ______is my beverage of choice
3. The last time I got a ______ was_____
4. ____ is one of the items on my bucket list
My Answers:
1. If you would have ever told me years ago that I now would be living in Northern VT in a log cabin for 24 years, that would have 5 children and homeschool them all, a son-in-law who is awesome, my parents living with me for the summer I would never have believed you.  But I did and do.  I am very blessed!

2. Barley Green or water is my beverage of choice.
Barley Green is the first thing I drink in the morning and water the rest of the day 

3. The last time I got a great present was on my anniversary.  Read about it here

4. Playing with my future grandchildren is one of the items on my bucket list....I really don't have a bucket list---I'm NOT adventurous at all. BUT I really, really, really want grandchildren :)


  1. great answers water is my beverage of choice to

    Everyday Life

  2. This looks like a fun meme! I just might have to participate. Thanks for stopping my blog! I'm looking forward to getting to know you through the crew.

  3. @becca
    i try to drink at least 50 oz a day...

  4. @Tess
    It IS fun! come and join next week :)


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